Monday, January 25th 2010 - [2654] You bastard
 Tuesday, January 26th 2010 - [2655] Escape Attempt
 Wednesday, January 27th 2010 - [2656] Evidence
 Thursday, January 28th 2010 - [2657] Interrogation
 Friday, January 29th 2010 - [2658] Confession
 Saturday, January 30th 2010 - [2659] Passing the smell test
 Sunday, January 31st 2010 - [2660] Old News
Namir Deiter is © Isabel Marks, 1999-2012. Do not distribute any images on this site without the artist's permission and without giving credit to the Isabel Marks (including a link back to https://namirdeiter.com). Namir Deiter has been on the web since November 1999 and usually updates Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at around midnight PST.